Jupi! National Festival of Positive Songs in Kraśnik

Jupi! National Festival of Positive Songs in Kraśnik was held on 28 August, Saturday. The event was organised by the Centre for Culture and Promotion in Kraśnik, with the Almert.pl Frederic Almert Advertising Agency as the event partner and initiator, and the Kraśnik District as the co-organiser. 35 contestants from all over the country – beginner vocalists representing various age categories – appeared on the stage of the Centre for Culture and Promotion in Kraśnik. Their performances were rated by a jury composed of Urszula Lewartowicz, Rafał Konieczny, Ireneusz Muszyński and Tomasz Bidiuk. The Grand Prix award went to Natalia Bęben. The winner received PLN 1000, a songwriter session and a statuette from M-PRODUCTION.

WOD-BUD ‒ a company which, in pursuing its business activities, recognises the need to support the development of the local community and the protection of national cultural heritage ‒ was one of the event sponsors. The company provides support through various forms of sponsorship in the fields of sport, culture and science, and through active cooperation with local authorities, scientific and artistic circles, social institutions, and business organisations.


Communal Harvest Festival Niedrzwica Duża 2021

WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. was one of the sponsors of the Communal Harvest Festival which took place on 3 August 2021. The Festival was organised jointly by the Niedrzwica Duża Commune, the Communal Cultural, Sports and Recreation Centre in Niedrzwica Duża, and a few other entities. Residents and guests took part in numerous accompanying events.

The awareness of social responsibility which rests on businesses is reflected in WOD-BUD activities. The company directed its social commitment to disseminating the idea of a healthy and active lifestyle, and to promoting activities benefiting the local community.


WOD-BUD signs a contract with the Town of Krasnystaw

On 03 August 2021 the Town of Krasnystaw and WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. signed a contract for construction work as part of the project called “The reconstruction of commune road No. 109794L along Łukasińskiego Street in Krasnystaw, including the construction of a sanitary sewer system and a water supply network in Łukasińskiego Street”. The work package has been financed by the 2021 Government Fund for Road Development.

Contract signed with the Szastarka Commune

On 6 July 2021 a contract was signed between the Szastarka Commune and WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. for the performance of construction works carried out as part of the project „Redevelopment of the water supply station and redevelopment of the water supply network with service lines in the Wojciechów town, the Szastarka Commune”. The task is financed from the Government Local Investment Fund (RFIL).

Kraśnik Days 2021

WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. was one of the sponsors of the Kraśnik Days held on 3-4 July 2021. The event was organised by the Town of Kraśnik, the Culture and Promotion Centre and other municipal entities.

Residents and guests took part in numerous events, military shows, and sports and cultural events. The activities included a family picnic, a visit to the 24th Uhlan Regiment Museum, and “Wieczór Niepoważny (The Ludicrous Evening)” featuring the FiFa-RaFa Comic Group, Adam Snopek and the Volodia Project as well as the evening amphitheatre concert.

The awareness of corporate social responsibility is incorporated in the culture of WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. As part of its social commitment, the company is involved in promoting the concept of a healthy and active lifestyle and supporting initiatives for the benefit of the local community.


Bicycle race “Known and unknown places in the Kraśnik District”

On 6 June the bicycle race “Known and unknown places in the Kraśnik District” was held for the residents of the Lubelskie Province and tourists.  The route included some fascinating spots in the Kraśnik District.

The event is aimed at popularising the tourist and natural assets of the Lublin Land, providing an insight into its natural environment, promoting a healthy lifestyle by means of sports, creating conditions for active leisure for the whole family and fostering social integration.

Participants learned a lot about the cultural and natural assets of this part of the Lubelskie Province.

In line with its corporate social responsibility commitments, WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. supports local initiatives. It has been involved in the promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle for years. In its drive to make sports more popular, the company has taken a number of steps to support local events and programmes.

Contract signed with the Kraśnik District – District Roads Administration in Kraśnik

On 28 May 2021 the Kraśnik District – District Roads Administration in Kraśnik signed a contract with WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. for the performance of construction works under the investment entitled “Extension of District Road No. 2745L, Al. Tysiąclecia in Kraśnik along the section from km 0+026 to km 1+243” co-financed from the Local Government Roads Fund

Special fire truck in the duty of Wod-Bud

We are happy to announce that on 10 May 2021 WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. purchased JELCZ 004, a special fire truck, from OSP Gościeradów. The truck was manufactured in 1991. The capacity of its tank is 6,000 litres. For the first 20 years, it served at the State Fire Service (PSP) in Kraśnik, and for the last 10 years at the Volunteer Fire Department (OSP) in Gościeradów. In WOD-BUD, the truck will be used by our Logistics department to support road construction, including stabilisation, sprinkling the aggregate with water prior to its compaction, and as a tank for refilling water during the milling of asphalt surfaces. We hope our new “Jelonek” will serve another 30 years in good running order.