About company

WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. was established in 1988. The firm emerged from a family business which was set up in 1920. For the last three generations our company has been specialising in water-intake building in Eastern Poland.


The photo on the left shows Edward Smetny Sowa, the company’s founder. The middle photo shows the drilling of a deep water well, while the construction of a potable-water tank within the Wolyn Military Unit Area in 1925 is shown on the right.

Since 1920, Edward Smetny-Sowa, the company’s founder, had run a locksmith and mechanical-services plant which dealt with drilling deep-water wells in the eastern areas of Poland, including mainly in the Wołyń region. These traditions were continued for the next two generations, that also saw the expansion of the plant’s operations.

In 1988, based on the multi-annual experience, a limited-liability company was established under the name WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o.
Since 1920, the company’s Head Office has been solely located in Krasnik, at 12 Pilsudskiego Street.

Operative since 1920, the company has built and documented hundreds of water intakes. It has also constructed several thousand kilometres of water-supply and sewage networks, water-supply stations, water-treatment plants, retention tanks and landfill sites, performing extended construction and repair works.

In 2010, the company expanded its business by constructing a pilot waste-segregation line, which eventually gave rise to establishing the Waste-Management Plant in Krasnik. In 2014, another initiative was undertaken, which entailed the launching of the company’s own Bitumen Production Plant.

Consistent policies established by the director who managed the company from its beginnings provides a guarantee for the continuous and dynamic growth of WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o.

The company implements its projects by observing the highest-quality standards, confirmed by the ISO 9001 : 2008 certificate.


The company’s principal activity covers rendering services in the following areas:

  • bituminous paving and sales
  • the construction of water-supply and sewage systems, waste-water treatment plants and septic drain fields
  • the construction of asphalt roads, forest roads, pavements and car parks
  • the construction and reclamation of landfill sites
Corporate development

WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. observes the policy of continuous growth, introducing new technologies, systematically increasing the employment level, and modernising the company’s Head Office and equipment.

  • In the course of our activities, we have achieved high market stability, owing to well-qualified staff and high-tech machinery.
  • We have implemented cautious investment policies. We make investments in new machinery that allow us to effectively and promptly provide high-quality services.

Corporate data

WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o.

Adress: ul. Piłsudskiego 12/1, 23-200 Kraśnik
NIP (tax identification number): 715-020-04-54
KRS (National Court Register number): 0000035967

District Court Lublin Wschód in Lublin, with its registered office in Świdnik
REGON (statistical number): 008020605
Share capital: 50 000 PLN
Bank account: PEKAO S.A. 63 1240 2395 1111 0000 3328 2383