The Open Championships of the Lubelskie Province in freestyle wrestling

On 22 February, the Open Championships of the Lubelskie Province in freestyle wrestling were held in School Complex No. 3 in Kraśnik (7 Słowackiego Street) under the patronage of the District Governor of Kraśnik – Andrzej Rolla and the Mayor of Kraśnik – Wojciech Wilk. The competition was attended by 121 sportspersons representing five clubs in the Lubelskie Province, as well as STAL Rzeszów and a club from Koszyce, Slovakia. L.U.K.S SUPLES Kraśnik was rated first in the Club classification.
Awareness of the social responsibility of business is present in the activities of WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. The company has made its social commitment to disseminate the idea of a healthy and active lifestyle, and to promote activities for the benefit of the local community.
Children and young people with athletic talents are the group whom the company wants to support on their way to success. These activities are guided by the convictions that, firstly, healthy habits should be developed from an early age and, secondly, promoting young sports talents is the best way to do so.