Wod-bud supports the Lublin speedway club Orlen Oil Motor Lublin!

We are proud to announce that, in the 2024 season, Wod-bud will be supporting the Lublin speedway club, Orlen Oil Motor Lublin!

Speedway is not just a sport. It is passion, determination and hard work. For us, supporting the “black sport” means honouring the values it represents – perseverance and the common pursuit of the set objective, with full commitment and unconditional support of the entire team. The success of the Lublin team is not only the medals won but, first and foremost, investing in people, improving their teamwork and shaping hard characters by using the substantive experience gathered. The Lublin speedway is also an example of building strong social ties, resulting in the unparalleled cheering of the supporters of Motor Lublin.

It is a great honour for us to be part of this remarkable journey and to support our speedway riders in their quest to achieve new records.

Motor 💛, 🤍, 💙, ❤️Winning together!”

Contract for the construction and upgrading of road infrastructure in Tarnobrzeg

On 20 March 2024, together with other contractors, we signed a contract for the project “The construction and upgrading of road infrastructure in Tarnobrzeg.”

The investor was represented by the Mayor of Tarnobrzeg Dariusz Bożek, Head of the Technical & Investment and Road Construction Department Barbara Trzeciak and Agnieszka Straburzyńska from the Public Procurement Office of the Town Hall. WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. was represented by Deputy President of the company Mirosław Gucwa and Managing Director Robert Ślusarz.

We are excited that together with other contractors we will be implementing this extensive project consisting of as many as 13 tasks, thanks to which 15 streets in Tarnobrzeg will be upgraded. The project value is almost PLN 30 million, and part of its was covered from the funds of the 2nd edition of the “Polski Ład” Government Fund – the Strategic Investment Programme.

WOD-BUD will carry out the following tasks:

Task No. 2: Road redevelopment on Czereśniowa and Wyspiańskiego streets:

  1. a) Redevelopment of internal road – side street of Czereśniowa Street in the Podłęże housing estate in Tarnobrzeg,
  2. b) Redevelopment of internal road from Wyspiańskiego Street to Tracza Street and building new parking spaces by Primary School No. 4 in Tarnobrzeg.

Task No. 6: Redevelopment of Sobowska Street in Tarnobrzeg: building a pavement and drainage.

Task No. 8: Redevelopment of commune road on 12 Października Steeet in Tarnobrzeg.

29th TFL MMA Gala in Kraśnik

It was our great pleasure to act as a sponsor of the 29th TFL MMA Gala, which took place on 24 February in Kraśnik, our hometown. This magnificent sporting event attracted crowds of fans to the sports hall of Primary School No. 2. We would like to once again congratulate all fighters participating in the Gala on their performance, and Jacek Sarna on the impressive level of the event’s preparation. This was an extremely exciting evening in Kraśnik, and we are glad that we could participate in the great Gala. 🤼