WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. signed a contract with the Chodel Commune.

On 13 May 2019, the Chodel Commune and WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. entered into a contract for the implementation of a task entitled “The reconstruction of commune road No. 108275L in Borów Kolonia, and commune road No. 108154L in Siewalka and Książ, which was damaged as a result of heavy rainfall runoff in 2016.”

Task 1. The reconstruction of commune road No. 108275L from kilometre 0+000 to kilometre 0+975 in Borów Kolonia which was damaged as a result of heavy rainfall runoff in 2016.

Task 2. The reconstruction of commune road No. 108154L from kilometre 4+095 to kilometre 5+093 in Borów Kolonia which was damaged as a result of heavy rainfall runoff in 2016.

A contract with Głusk Commune signed

On 7 May 2019, Głusk Commune and WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. entered into a contract for the implementation of a task entitled: “The construction of a sanitary sewer system in Mętów and Głuszczyzna in the Głusk Commune – Task III”, as part of the project entitled “The extension of the sewer system in the Lublin agglomeration – Stage II covering the Głusk Commune.” The contract is performed as part of a project co-financed by the European Union from the Cohesion Fund within the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020.

KSW 48 – Lublin 27.04.2019

On Saturday, 27 April 2019, a  KSW 48 event was held at the Globus Hall. KSW (Konfrontacja Sztuk Walki) is an organisation which has been making the history of Polish MMA for 15 years, organising some of the most recognisable events in Europe. The organisation popularises this discipline and shapes its sports stars.

This federation came to Lublin for the first time in history. The Lubelskie Voivodeship was an official partner of the event, while WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. was one of its sponsors.

The first part was addressed to local supporters, as the local athletes, Hubert Szymajda and Cezary Kęsik, entered the octagon.

It is worth noting that seven out of eight fights were concluded early.


Main event:

65.8 kg: Salahdine Parnasse defeated Roman Szymański by a round-two TKO (strikes) – Interim Featherweight Title fight

Main card:

93 kg: Łukasz Jurkowski defeated Stjepan Bekavac by a round-one TKO (injury),
70.3 kg: Marian Ziółkowski defeated  Gracjan Szadziński by a unanimous decision
65.8 kg: Filip Pejic defeated Filip Wolański by a round-two TKO (strikes)
77.1 kg: Michał Michalski defeated Savo Lazic by a round-two KO (strikes),
83.9 kg: Cezary Kęsik defeated Jakub Kamieniarz by a round-one TKO (strikes),

Preliminary card:

70.3 kg: Szamil Musajew defeated Hubert Szymajda by a round-one TKO (strikes)
61.2 kg:  Sebastian Przybysz defeated Bogdan Barbu by a round-one TKO (strikes), Runda 1


Sport competitions “Boxing against addictions”

Sports competitions are events of a specific nature. They involve emotions and  adrenaline associated with competition, and at the same time they can have a strong impact on corporate image. Supporting gifted young people and talented young athletes is not only an important task which bucinesses fulfil as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, but it is also a challenge.

In its operations, WOD-BUD Sp z o.o. demonstrates awareness of corporate social responsibility placed on businesses. The Company’s social engagement includes the promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle, support of local young and talented athletes, and activities for the benefit of the local community. The company has implemented numerous projects to support local initiatives and promote sport.

On Saturday, 6 April  2019, a boxing match featuring “Za Bramą” Sports Club based in Kraśnik and representatives of Radom was organised as part of the “Boxing against addictions” sports competition. WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. was one of the sponsors of the event.

Boxing fans could view nine bouts in various age and weight categories. The results of the match were not conclusive until the last fight ended. The best contestant of the tournament was Kamil Wieczorek, representative of the “Za Bramą” Sports Club.

Link to the website: http://krasnik.naszemiasto.pl/artykul/mecz-bokserski-w-krasniku-klub-sportowy-za-brama-pokonal,5069979,artgal,t,id,tm.html


Implementation of a project funded by the European Funds

WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. is implementing a project co-financed from EU Funds entitled “The implementation at WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. of the purchased R&D work results aimed at improving competitiveness in the field of road engineering.”


Project objective: Implementation at WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. of the results of R&D work entitled “The method of low-temperature asphalt concrete production” to be purchased following the date of submitting the grant application.


Expected results: The purchase of the R&D work results will allow the company to achieve the following results: – improvement of services involving the laying of asphalt concrete pavements by applying a foamed bitumen mixture technology (higher quality and durability of the paving, reduced work completion time) – a new product in the form of asphalt concrete obtained by applying foamed bitumen with improved properties. Moreover, project implementation will contribute to increasing employment (3 jobs), and to improving competitiveness in the road engineering sector.


Project value: PLN 4,087,273.73

Co-financing from EU Funds: PLN 1,808,402.85


Notice on selecting the best bid

Notice on selecting the best bid

with reference to the Invitation to Tender No. 2 dated 23 February 2018

In relation to the closing of a contract award procedure as part of the project entitled “The implementation at WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. of the purchased R&D work results aimed at improving competitiveness in the field of road engineering”, Measure 3.7 “Increasing SME competitiveness” of the Regional Operational Programme for Lubelskie Voivodeship 2014-2020, we announce that the best bid has been selected with reference to the Invitation to Tender No. 2 dated 23 February 2018.

WOD-BUD announces that the best bid for the supply of an asphalt paver is a bid submitted on 26 March 2018 r. by Dynapac Sp. z o.o. The bid obtained the highest score, i.e. 100 points.

Notice on selection – link.

WOD-BUD announces that the best bid for the supply of a small steel wheel roller with an aggregate spreader was a bid submitted on 26 March 2018 by Dynapac Sp. z o.o. The bid obtained the highest score, i.e. 100 points.

Notice on selection – link.

WOD-BUD announces that the best bid for the supply of a large steel wheel roller with an aggregate spreader was a bid submitted on 26 March 2018 by Dynapac Sp. z o.o. The bid obtained the highest score, i.e. 100 points.

Notice on selection – link.

WOD-BUD announces that the best bid for the supply of  a bitumen emulsion sprayer is a bid submitted on 22 March 2018 r. by HYDROG ZBM The bid obtained the highest score, i.e. 100 points.

Notice on selection – link.

WOD-BUD announces that the best bid for the supply of  a bitumen foaming device is a bid submitted on 26 March 2018 by Amman Polska Sp z o.o. The bid obtained the highest score, i.e. 100 points.

Notice on selection – link.

WOD-BUD announces that the best bid for the supply of a mini loader with a road milling machine is a bid submitted on 26 March 2018 by Tech-Ekspert Południe. The bid obtained the highest score, i.e. 100 points.

Notice on selection – link.

WOD-BUD announces that the best bid for the supply of an automatic bitumen extractor with a set of accessories is a bid submitted on 26 March 2018 by Controls Polska Sp. z o.o. The bid obtained the highest score, i.e. 100 points.

Notice on selection – link.

Invitation to tender No. 2


In  relation to the project entitled “The implementation at WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. of the purchased R&D work results aimed at improving competitiveness in the field of road engineering” implemented as part of Priority axis 3 “Enterprise competitiveness”, Measure  3.7 “Increasing SME competitiveness” of the Regional Operational Programme for Lubelskie Voivodeship 2014-2020, you are kindly invited to submit bids for:  

Part I The supply of an asphalt paver, 1 pc.

Part II The supply of a small steel wheel roller with an aggregate spreader, 1 set

Part III The supply of a large steel wheel roller with an aggregate spreader, 1 set

Part IV  The supply of a bitumen emulsion sprayer, 1 pc.

Part V The supply of a bitumen foaming device, 1 set

Part VI The supply of a mini loader with a road milling machine, 1 set

Part VII The supply of an automatic bitumen extractor with a set of accessories, 1 set

Please submit a technical specification of the proposed equipment, with particular attention to all the elements indicated in the terms of reference.

Click here to download this Invitation.

Click here to download the appendices to this Invitation.