Contract with the Trzydnik Duży Municipality

On 7 October 2022 the Trzydnik Duży Municipality signed a contract with WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. for the performance of construction works under the project entitled The design and performance of reconstruction works on local (municipality) road No. 108583L in Olbięcin from 0+000 km to 1+200 km, along with project architect’s supervision. The contract is financed from the Polish Deal Government Programme: Strategic Investment Programme.

30th International Junior Wrestling Tournament for the Kraśnik Land Cup – freestyle and Polish Cadets Cup under the honorary patronage of Jarosław Stawiarski – Marshal of the Lubelskie Voivodeship.

On 1-2 October the sports arena at the School Complex No. 3 in Kraśnik, ul. Słowackiego 7, hosted the 30th International Junior Wrestling Tournament for the Kraśnik Land Cup – Polish Cadets Cup – freestyle under the patonage of the Marshal of the Lubelskie Voivodeship Jarosław Stawiarski.

Competitors largely came from Polish clubs, but it also included guests from Latvia, Lithuania, Czechia, Hungary, Ukraine and Slovakia. The tournament was conducted on 4 mats.
The tournament was organised by the Folk Student’s Sports Club “Suples” in Kraśnik.

In line with its corporate social responsibility commitments, WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. supports local initiatives. It has been involved in the promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle for years. In its drive to make sports more popular, the company has taken a number of steps to support local events and programmes.

At the event, the company was represented by employees of Katarzyna Zielonka and Mateusz Wójcik.

Contract with the Konskowola Municipality

On 14 July 2022 the Konskowola Municipality signed a contract with WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. for the performance of construction works under the project entitled “Land for development – preparing land for development by the Konskowola junction – design & build” implemented under the project “Providing service infrastructure to land for development in the Konskowola Municipality.” The project involves, i.a., the construction of roads, as well as storm water drainage and sewage networks. The task benefits from co-financing from the Polish Deal Government Programme: Strategic Investment Programme.

Contract with the Markuszów Commune

On 24 May 2022, WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. and the Markuszów Commune signed a contract for construction works as part of the project entitled “Reconstruction of commune roads in the Markuszów Commune. The scope of work includes the construction of new asphalt road pavement and vertical and horizontal road traffic signs. The contract comprises 18 work packages.

Contract with the Biłgoraj Municipality

On 28 April 2022 a contract was signed between the Biłgoraj Municipality and the WOD-BUD Sp. z o.o. company for the performance of construction works as part of a project entitled: The extension of district road No. 115209L, Piłsudskiego St. from 0+004.50 km to 0+210 km and from 0+234 km to 1+406 km in Biłgoraj. The works include, in particular, road works, the sewage system, electricity, and telecommunication conduits.